路由# 321076470

会员 好处

Patelco会员可以让你更了解最重要的事情. 下面是Patelco的区别.

发现帕特尔科 给你更多

当你加入帕特尔科, you’ll instantly feel the difference between becoming a member versus being a customer. 那是因为我们是 非牟利信用合作社 您将成为会员所有者. 不像大银行或社区银行, 我们不向股东负责,我们的成员就是股东. We offer banking that you can trust with more 储蓄, 更好的 rates, and lower 费用.
我们的使命是支持您的财务健康和福祉, 在对你最重要的时刻陪在你身边. 作为您值得信赖的财务合作伙伴, we’re solely focused on helping our members build and sustain their best financial lives. We embrace these values in our services, products, and every interaction with our members.

我非常喜欢帕特尔科信用合作社! They are some of the most knowledgeable, helpful, and kind people I’ve met at a bank. 我觉得和他们谈论我的财务状况很舒服. 如果你决定去信用合作社,这应该是你的选择!——Patelco成员迪伦·S

是什么让帕特尔科 不同的


享受无月费,无透支费1 我们的日常存款没有最低存款额限制 支票账户


从储蓄, 贷款 to 信用卡 to 抵押贷款,我们为您提供量身定制的金融解决方案


访问一个 本地分支,与我们的虚拟连接 虚拟分支 (可预约)或LiveChat


随时随地与我们的顶级客户进行交易 手机应用程序2 并在30,000多台免费atm机上存取您的帐户

太阳集团平台 & 欺诈的资源

获取关于如何过上最好的财务生活的各种资源 保护自己免受欺诈


Your money is insured by the National 信贷 Union Association (NCUA) up to $250,000个人和500美元,联名帐户为5,000元

存更多的钱. 管理 更好的.

从我们的注册金融专家那里获得免费的个性化建议, 到网络研讨会,到提醒之类的网上银行工具, 物品的卡片控制, we offer you more ways to save money and be informed and in control of your finances.

注册金融专家 & 专家建议

对储蓄、退休或预算有疑问吗? 与我们的 注册金融专家 让Patelco专家免费解答您的问题.

财务健康文章 & 在线研讨会

We have a vast library of articles on everything from budgeting to saving for college or retirement. 我们也提供 免费在线研讨会 涵盖广泛的金融主题.

欺诈 & 诈骗保护

Benefit from our dedicated fraud-fighting team and learn how to avoid the latest scams, 保护你的账户安全, 并从Patelco获得资源和预防技巧的帮助.


Our LevelUp program 奖励 you for on-time loan payments if you don’t qualify for the lowest rate available.3 您不需要做任何事情来注册-我们为您处理.

所有会员都有一个 免费储蓄帐户

在Patelco,我们相信节约的重要性. 这就是为什么每个会员都会自动附带一个 定期储蓄帐户. 没有月租费,也没有最低余额要求. 我们以您的名义将1美元或1股存入您的账户. 作为会员所有者, this share gives you the power to vote at our annual meeting to elect the Patelco board of directors.

Patelco 合作伙伴的折扣

A Patelco membership connects you to more — like 折扣 on everything from estate planning to vacations. Our partner programs benefit our members in their everyday lives so now you can do more with your money.









从企业购买经过认证的二手车可以节省很多钱. Patelco成员得到1.100%年利率折扣.



Secure your legacy and your family’s future with an affordable and inclusive estate planning solution.



Special 折扣 for hotels, cruises, and tickets to popular spots like Disneyland.



储蓄 and added convenience for Patelco members from Alamo, Enterprise, and National.



没有月费或最低储蓄余额, 利息或免费支票, 健康储蓄账户, 银行本票和国内电汇4


30,000+ fee-free ATMs for cash withdrawal, which you can find easily on our 手机应用程序



国家信用社管理局 保险

We’re backed by NCUA insurance so you can rest assured knowing your money is protected in the unlikely event of loss.

  • 国家信用社管理局(NCUA) 是美国的一个独立机构.S. 监管联邦信用合作社的政府
  • 保险是自动与Patelco会员-没有必要注册
  • 所有个人会员都有25万美元的保险. 联名账户的保额高达50万美元

更多太阳集团平台 合作伙伴的折扣

    我们与TurboTax合作5 让你的报税和报税更简单,更实惠. 现在,你可以通过智能手机、平板电脑或电脑安全地报税.

    • 最高退款保证
    • 他们会再次检查你的退货
    • 100%精确计算保证
    • SmartLook专家现场帮助按需

    会员在联邦豪华酒店可节省10美元, 联邦总理节省15美元, 联邦自雇节省20美元

    汽车SMART™ is a great online resource that helps you take control of the car buying process, 从头到尾.

    • 汽车贷款利率低至6%.4月29%6
    • 回顾成千上万的新车和二手车
    • 了解二手车的蓝皮书价值
    • 找到当地的经销商,并要求报价
    • 得到预先核准的
    • 申请及融资方便
    • 所有的在线和免费使用!


    • 接收1.您的Patelco汽车贷款利率的年利率折扣为00 %6
    • 从120多个品牌和型号中选择
    • 以旧换新
    • 竞争和低于凯利蓝皮书定价8
    • 109点认证检查9
    • 12个月路边援助10
    • 免费CARFAX®车辆历史报告

    Secure your legacy and family’s future with an affordable and inclusive estate planning solution.
    遗产规划适合每个人. 我们与信任合作 & 作为Patelco的会员,我们会否为会员提供遗产规划服务, 遗嘱或信托可以打八五折.

    • 这是100%的在线与简单的一步一步的指导
    • 专家帮助可通过聊天,电子邮件,或电话
    • 节省25%的任何遗产计划,并获得第一批文件免费
    • 由律师建造,由您定制,以满足您的需求和愿望

    Patelco的会员利用“今日启程”(Get Away Today)计划在度假时节省了数百美元!

    • 节省与折扣迪士尼乐园门票,酒店价格和更多
    • 或从1900多个目的地选择
    • 和旅游专家一起计划你的旅行
    • 预订你的假期只需要175美元
    • 最好的价格,最好的服务保证
Want to learn more about becoming a Patelco member and living your best financial life? 阅读下面太阳集团平台的会员资格和Patelco赞助公司的所有信息.

1 你必须在 即时备份 在您的支票账户上获得高达500美元的透支保障. You’ll pay interest only on the amount you borrowed for the amount of time it’s outstanding. 向我们的帕特尔科团队寻求帮助 点击这里了解更多. 2023年5月4日以后开立的支票账户不收取透支费.

2 来源:App Store上超过2.2万条五星评价.

3 LevelUp (formerly the Timely Repayment Incentive Program aka TRIP) is offered to members who are approved for the following 贷款 at Patelco’s credit tier 2 or higher: auto, 摩托车, RV, 船, 个人贷款, 不包括所有信用额度. 总折扣高达1.50% APR(年度百分比率)适用于2010年.每连续12个月按时付款,年利率增加50%. Maximum discount will never cause the final APR to be lower than the LevelUp floor rate for the specific loan and term at time of funding. 每月付款金额保持不变, 还有额外的钱用来支付本金, which shortens the term of the loan and the total amount paid over the life of the loan.

4 Qualifications for Commitment Household status must be met on a continuous basis. 如果出现这种情况,你必须采取措施来保持你的地位, you will be alerted via messages on your monthly statement and inside 网上银行. You will have a grace period to bring your household to Commitment level before you are removed from the program. Patelco will periodically evaluate all members’ financial relationships to ensure that they are consistently meeting the requirements.


  • 第一或第二按揭余额 or
  • 在过去12个月内开放和活跃的HELOC

选项2. 维护:

  • 活跃的支票或信用卡帐户
  • An average daily balance of $3,000 in a 储蓄 account or combined 储蓄 accounts.
  • 有效贷款. 合资格贷款:汽车或按揭贷款(最近两年内), 无担保贷款或信用卡(在过去12个月内有活动)

选项3. 维护:

  • 储蓄账户内或多个储蓄账户的月结余在5万美元或以上.

5 Maximum refund guarantee: If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method, TurboTax will refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid. TurboTax在线联邦免费版客户有权支付14美元.99美元,并退还你的国家购买价格. 100%精确计算保证. 100%精确计算保证: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, TurboTax会支付你罚款和利息. TurboTax专家帮助, 税务建议和SmartLook:包括在豪华, Premier and Self-Employed (via phone or on-screen); not included with Federal 免费的 Edition (but available for purchase with the + bundle). SmartLook on-screen help is available on a PC, laptop or the TurboTax mobile app. TurboTax专家提供一般建议, customer service and product help; tax advice provided only by credentialed CPAs, 注册代理人和税务律师. 功能可用性因设备而异. 州税务咨询是免费的. 服务, 专业领域, 经验水平, 营业时间和可用性各不相同, 如有限制及更改,恕不另行通知. CompleteCheck: Covered under the TurboTax accurate calculations and maximum refund guarantees.

6 APR(年度百分比利率). 汽车价格从6点开始.29% APR effective 06/07/2024; subject to change without notice. Patelco offers a range of base rates and 折扣 that depend on factors such as credit history, 贷款期限, Patelco账户关系, 贷款金额和车辆年龄. 可能会有额外折扣. Actual rates are disclosed to approved applicants in writing prior to loan consummation and may be as high as 17.99年4月. 了解更多关于费率的信息, 条款, 会员享有独家折扣, 比如承诺家居, 拨打800.358.8228或亲临任何Patelco分公司. 新的汽车贷款支付例子: 0 - 48个月:23美元.每借1000美元每月68美元.4月29% for 48 months; 49‑66 months: $18.每1000美元每月1美元,利息为6.4月29% for 66 months; 67‑72 months: $16.每借1000美元每月90美元.59% APR for 72 months; 73‑84 months: $15.每借1000美元每月16美元.年利率为04%,为期84个月. 二手汽车贷款支付例子: 0 - 48个月:23美元.每借1000美元每月73美元.54% APR for 48 months; 49‑66 months: $18.每1000美元借8美元/月.54% APR for 66 months; 67‑72 months: $16.每借1000美元每月97美元.84% APR for 72 months; 73‑84 months: $15.7时每借1000美元每月24美元.84个月的年利率为29%.

7 APR(年度百分比利率). 1.目前的帕特尔科信用社利率为00%,贷款期限为60个月. 目前的利率将根据信用价值和条款而变化. 为合格的帕特尔科信用合作社成员提供融资. Offer valid only on 企业用车销售 vehicles purchased from 11/1/2018 – 12/31/2021. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer other than those listed in this advertisement.

8 价格不含税, title, 标签, 政府费用, 任何排放测试收费, 以及任何财务费用(如适用). 除非在车辆详情中另有说明, 价格不包括加工费用, 行政, 成交费或类似费用为149美元或以下. 须预先出售的车辆. We make every effort to provide accurate information including but not limited to price, 里程和车辆选择, but please verify with your local 企业用车销售 location before purchasing. 目前的里程可能会因试驾和车辆搬迁而有所不同. 二手车以前是企业短期租赁的一部分, lease fleet or purchased by Enterprise from other sources including auto auctions, 与以前的使用可能是短期租赁, 租赁或其他.

9 企业认证.™ Each vehicle goes through a rigorous inspection by an ASE-certified technician. 限制. 具体操作请参见某企业汽车销售经理.

10 Enterprise 12-Month Unlimited Mileage Roadside 援助 Package is provided by the American 汽车mobile Association (AAA) and its affiliated clubs in the United States and Canada. 一些限制 & 限制.


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